Friday, March 30, 2012

Week One: What I Accomplished

Hello Romey!

I only have a few moments because the baby is playing in her baby jail and any second now she's going to realize that I'm ignoring her. More importantly, she's going to determine that ignoring her is NOT OKAY and so I'm going to have to take her into the living room and parent. I know. Life, she is rough.

Anyway, so here it is. Day five of Actually Factually Doing Shit. And while I may not have anything to link to or any images to prove that I have been busy, you're going to have to take my word for it and know that I have been.

I irreparably broke my website awhile ago and I've been spending some time trying to bring it back online. I got lost for awhile putting the cart before the horse, or in this case, style before content, and didn't write because I didn't have the right "looking" site to house my posts. And seriously, if you've spent a month debating this theme vs. this one, it's time to put the style down and start writing.

So that's what I did. I chose a clean, simple website theme designed to put the writing at the forefront and say never-you-mind to all the blinking, buzzing, bi-polar distractions that wouldn't make shitty writing any less shitty. I have a development site that I'm uploading all my old content to and will hopefully have a live website to share with you when I post again next week Wednesday. I created a simple logo without having to make Ian do it for me, and I even uploaded it to the development site all by myself.

Also, I wrote 594 words in a short story that I intend to be part of a larger collection. That'll get uploaded to my website as well.

Not too shabby for one week of Doing Shit. How the hell are you doing?

Can't wait for your post on Monday. See you then!

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