Sunday, April 15, 2012

Creatively Constipated

Ugh!  I haven't been able to write anything for a week.  I didn't even draw in my little sketch book (which I'm worried I might have left at my parent's house cause I'm having a hard time finding it).  I haven't slept or created in over a week now.  I've been reading, but that's not very creative of me.  They really ought to make some kind of mind laxative that let's you poo thoughts all over a page.  We definately need to get together this week cause there are some things I need to talk though and some stuff I need to talk about and some mind pooing to do.  And I feel even worse looking at how productive you've been.  I feel like such a slacker!  Who knew that not working was going to entail some sort of effort on my part!?  Ok, I'm gonna do something I hate doing.  I'm gonna exercise my mind and I hate exercise in all it's forms, so if that's not commitment to my work, I don't know what is.  Tomorrow?  Same bat time, same bat place?  Or how about your house at noon?

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