Friday, April 13, 2012

The Little Engine That Could (Well,sometimes anyway)

For one week, I did a great job posting to my website. Six posts in seven days; not too shabby. (Did you notice my modest understatement there?) But I haven't posted since Wednesday and while I have a few things I'd been working on from my last go-round of writing, I can't pick one to just...effin' on. Do I want to finish the piece about Jonas becoming a  teenager or do I want to work on the piece about Natalie Portman's 2011 movie where her newborn baby dies?

The answer is that I'd like to do both, of course. I'd like to have both of those pieces done and queued up so that I can take the rest of the day off and enjoy this beautiful day. I mean, I'm probably going to take the rest of the day off anyway because it really is fricking beautiful out there. But cake, eating it, and all that jazz.

Anyway, the point I guess is that it doesn't matter how much I want to write as a career. It's still hard work. Settling down and digging deep to effectively communicate is a skill that needs to be honed just like sculpting or singing or artistic gardening. It doesn't just happen automagically. Man, it sucks, but I guess that's why I need to find ways to maintain motivation. More than a schedule or a routine, I require both the inspiration and perspiration necessary to create something I can feel proud of sharing. But these things take time, and since the baby wants to enjoy the sunshine even more than I do, time to sit around and write isn't something that I have much of this week.

Maybe tonight. We'll see. We'll hope, anyway.


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