Thursday, April 5, 2012

Snot Burglar

Okay, so I know I said I would be posting last night, but we've already established my proclivity towards laziness, so...yeah.

Prepare for itemized update:

1.  I love the new site, it looks awesome.  Simple, clean, and drama free.  All the things one would look for in a posting on the man4man section of Craigslist.

2.  So, as I've said before, I've spent my last week sick and in bed, or on the couch (as was the case most of the time).  In between the extended periods of unconsciousness a miracle occurred:  I actually worked on stuff *insert choir voices and bright light from above*  For further details regarding the work please continue reading.

3.  The first thing I worked on was trying to get my characters figured out for the comic book.  I've got my main characters pretty well figured out and I've got my main hero's abilities and the mythology around his powers all worked out as well.  I'm working on refining the main story arch and trying to work through our hero's back-story.  All in all, my inability to focus on one portion of this project has proven to be... oh shiny.

4.  I've also been working on an admittedly piss poor attempt to sketch some of my main characters.  They really are quite horrible and no you can't see them yet.  I want to get them just right before the big reveal.  :P

5.  There has been significantly less time spent on that show I wanted to create about Egypt.  With only a cursory search on the main characters of that era (Akhenaten), it struck me yesterday that there is still so much work to be done on this... and the comic is much more fun than reading countless articles and reconstructing the existence of and ancient Egyptian in my head to attempt to write a somewhat convincing pilot that might hopefully convince some crazed, whacked out studio executive who just took a boat load of Ambien to even give the show a shot.  ...  ... ... ... So I'm just gonna focus on the comic for the immediate future.

Now that I'm on the mend from my terrible brush with a cold, I'm free to get distracted again by things like going outside or getting off my couch.  I'm a little worried I'll fall back into that old familiar pattern of sitting around, pretending to look for a job, and trying to motivate myself to loose weight over a Jack's Spicy Chicken Sandwich (#11).  Or even worse, I might actually get a job.

So keep my motivated Celeste!

~ Romey

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